The Lake Alexander Preserve is centered in an 180,000-acre landscape that is extremely diverse from a biological perspective. A mixed hardwood forest interspersed with wetlands, meadows, native prairie, and stands of red and white pine characterizes the vegetative cover of the Preserve. The unfragmented nature of the Preserve’s forest cover provides important habitat to songbirds and other wildlife that are dependent on the forest’s interior. Bird watching enthusiasts can expect to see a variety of bird species that inhabit the Preserve including great blue herons, common loons, ruffed grouse, bald eagles, and osprey. The Upper Midwest’s healthiest population of the declining red-shouldered hawk can also be found here, along with timber wolves, black bears, white-tailed deer and Blanding’s turtles.
To find Lake Alexander Preserve take U.S. Hwy 10 N to Cushing. At Cushing, drive north on County Road 5 for five miles to the preserve site. Park along the side of any of the gated road approaches.
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