Calling all sewers! All co-ops, no matter if they’re a food co-op; electric; agricultural; or credit union, follow the same seven cooperative principles. The last principle is Concern for Community. The Purple Carrot Market is teaming up with Oasis of Morrison County for our next Concern for Community project. They will be sewing for our neighbors. Traveling items including reusable utensil rolls with cloth napkins, toothbrush travel cases, and laundry bags. All three are at a beginner’s level. They will have experienced sewers there to instruct. The only things you will need is your own sewing machine and thread.
If you would like to make a donation instead, they are looking for the following items: fabric (cotton and terry cloth), silverware, sample size toiletry including toothbrushes. A Thrivent grant will cover the rest.
There will be a box for donations by the Purple Carrot Market office.
9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (coffee and rolls)
6 p.m. – 9 p.m. (snack foods)
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